
Results 4 issues of a01163125


在运行train文件的时候报错: >> Try this: image = tf.image.decode_image(file_contents, channels=3,dtype=tf.float32) >> Before: image = tf.image.decode_image(file_contents, channels=3) 我自己加了数据类型。 不知道是不是tf的版本问题, 我的版本是1.15

### Problem Describe the problem or suggestion here. openfx-master-NatronGitHub\openfx-master\Examples Hi everyone: I build this in Visual Studio 2019 successfully. The Basic.sln generate a dll, however I have no idea where...

## Environment FastDeploy version: e.g 0.8.0 or the latest code in develop branch OS Platform: Huawei Hardware: Atlas300I pro Program Language: Python 3.9 fastdeploy-python 0.0.0 fastdeploy-tools 0.0.5 ![d919468e04f5bb805f4be20deacabb9](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/f3b1475b-7e6a-4e63-b70c-3c5f80d4a9a4) ## Problem...