# WORKARROUND As a workaround, if metadata is important for your compression **use TAR and then compress it as ZIP or 7Z** or simply use any other format (GZIP, BZIP2,...
Not an issue, rather a question. When I view progressive-encoded JPEGs (produced by ImageOptim), I first see the grayscale pass, which is very quickly filled with color. Which option should...
Hi guys, I'd like to suggest to provide some basic built-in actions/scripts for IINA to make it work with macOS Shortcuts app (i. e. open file, play/pause, volume level, mute...
Right now (in v 0.3.0) user-customized timers are not being saved: they just disappear after the program restart, so the user has to recreate them each time, which is inconvenient....
As far as I understand, the row of buttons (Display, Sound Effects etc.) on the main window is scrollable. Nevertheless, I can't scroll them in any way - neither via...
Currently, even after the battery has been charged to 100%, there is still a 'Charging…' message being shown. This is confusing and incorrect: you can't charge the battery over 100%....
Please add the ability to pick custom colors for counters. Not for aesthetics as such, but for usability! Sometimes the color of a counter means something to you and will...
Please add the option to play a sound and to vibrate when pressing 'plus' and 'minus' buttons. This is very helpful when changing values while not looking at the screen....