a-know (Daisuke Inoue)

Results 18 comments of a-know (Daisuke Inoue)

@ytkg Thank you for reporting! yeah, #36 had already released, so this is a newly problem. (Maybe github profile page have some modified) It is necessary to fix :(

`grass-graph.moshimo.works` is expired. Please use `grass-graph.appspot.com/` .

@craigeley Thank you for your question! As your understands, Pixela only allows you to add a pixel, that is an entire day, now. This is because I was thinking that...

@craigeley Thank you for your question! The only way to achieve your objective with the current Pixela is the way you wrote it. (Yes, the current specifications are inconvenient and...

@craigeley Thank you for details. ...fmm, it's weird. I think that there is something wrong with iOS shortcut but I can't specify the cause. BTW, could you try to [create](https://docs.pixe.la/entry/post-webhook)...

@craigeley Thank you for this comment and for your constant support. I understand well about the comment you gave me. I would like to think a little more carefully about...

In this regard, I've released [v1.25.1](https://github.com/a-know/Pixela/releases/tag/v1.25.1). Thank you for your comments and opinions.

@pataquets Thank you for sharing your thoughts! > I would suggest using the [429 http status](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/429) (too many retries) instead. I see. However, I am concerned that it is not...

Thank you for your request! In `medium mode` , it certainly is not going to be bad... There was a use case that `short` mode was put in the sidebar...

Thank you for your opinion! I understood. I also registered this issue on the project KANBAN board. https://github.com/a-know/Pixela/projects/1 Please look forward to future developments! 😆