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A service for generating GitHub-like graphs. Record and Track your habits or effort. All by API.

Results 8 Pixela issues
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Since v1.25.0 of Pixela, [requests to the API are rejected 25% of the time](https://help.pixe.la/en/blog/release-request-rejecting). Please comment with your views on this change.


I have a pixe.la testing playground file for [Emacs' restclient package](https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el). It might come handy to Emacs (and even [Vim](https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el)!) users to quickly hit the ground running in testing pixe.la....

Hello there! So, I am trying to add real-time data in increments larger than 1, for example, ounces of water that I drink. When I finish a water bottle, that...

I'm not a Patreon member (yet!), but it seems as if there is the ability to click on a pixel and show hourly data for that day / pixel for...

The colors were working fine, but suddenly, around midnight all the colors are now gone. I've deleted and created new graphs and there is the same issue. On the side...

Hi, I hope 'medium' display mode for displaying only about 180 days. [`GET /v1/users//graphs/`](https://pixe.la/#api-detail-get-graph) Thanks for a fun service!


Hi, I'm new to programming and just got started working on a fun project with APIs with python. I am not totally new to how APIs work, but know enough....