罗森滋(Senzi Luo)
罗森滋(Senzi Luo)
BTW, are there any interfaces of RGB flow provided for FineGym in pyskl or mmaction2 repository?
Thanks for your timely reply! Another question is how to find or download the annotation files as follows? I got [Gym99 train split](https://sdolivia.github.io/FineGym/resources/dataset/gym99_train_element_v1.1.txt) and [Gym99 val split (same as v1.0)](https://sdolivia.github.io/FineGym/resources/dataset/gym99_val_element.txt)...
Thank you for your great work! Have you fixed the inconsistency between pcd filenames and that in pose_aligned.csv?@syqlyx