Amr Eniou
Amr Eniou
-- off-topic @Hixie You can see my proposal to help with migration for example, MaterialButton will be auto migrated to MaterialButton3 and so on By letting contributors make extensions or...
@Shams-Mahmoud may help ``` import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports import 'package:pdf/src/pdf/font/arabic.dart' as arabic; String? parseToArabic( Locale locale, String? input, ) { final isLocaleAr = locale.languageCode == 'ar'; if (input !=...
And same for URL redirection, I want to listen to the page loaded ``` ..addOnUrlRequestCallback((url) async { await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); final content = await webview.evaluateJavaScript( "document.documentElement.outerHTML.toString()"); print('$content'); }) ``` I...
@boyan01 a temporary workaround, while content.lenght
@liujing1 what is your usage case, maybe I can help you?
Aha, got it `/// available: macOS` those methods are not supported for Windows OS I can’t help in that case, I use Mac OS
if it is very important for you maybe you could add it by vscode or visual studio for .net on windows
@sinapsi check this plugin or this Plugin cc @boyan01