godot_terrain_plugin copied to clipboard
3D Terrain plugin for Godot Engine [NO LONGER MAINTAINED]
Go to https://github.com/Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin
The plugin appears to work, but with the following problems. 1: Terrain is black even with lights and textures. 2: The GUI elements do not display properly with overlapping controls....
Can textures (ex. ground texture) be scaled or not? If yes, where and how?
As mentioned on discord, I've got some terrain that looks normal in the scene:  but when I instance that scene into my main game scene, the terrain is positioned...
Terrain node just simply doesn't show up in android,. It appears as if it was never there. I know it is not maintained but if you can tell if there's...
The plugin prevents Modo navigation from working because it captures mouse events for painting. A solution would be to not do that when modifier keys are pressed.
SurfaceTool API is cumbersome, use arrays instead
Would love to have support for (multiple) vertex color painting + alpha color layers. Also to bake lighting into the vertex color channels.
The terrain node could inherit Spatial, making it more straightforward to find and transform in the scene. This must be profiled because there are lots of meshes under it.
Having a non-zero default size would be more user-friendly.