If possible, can I see the part of the QGC code about it? I want to learn how to display live stream video from the drone's camera in order to...
I want to modify QGC to fit my needs. I only have experience with building apps using Android Studio. I wonder if I am able to import the QGC source...
I am building a simple Android app to control my own PX4 drone. I am facing problems with connecting and controlling the drone. I wonder where is the QGC code...
I am using the below message to send the goal to the robot. The robot can travel to the correct latitude position but opposite longitude position. For example, the goal...
#### Issue details I’m a beginner in drones and I am building a drone to spray oil. I wonder how can I customize the mission planner to tell me if...
I am trying to run the Mavsdk in the android-client example. The Android example app is installed in the Herelink ground controller. After connecting the drone, the app displays the...
I am trying to run the Mavsdk in the android-client example with the UDP client mode. I tried mavsdkServer.run("udp://", 50051); mavsdkServer.run("udp://", 50051); and mavsdkServer.run("udp://", 50051); but no one get to...
In a terminal, I started Gazebo by gazebo --verbose worlds/iris_arducopter_runway.world and in another terminal I started SITL simulation by cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter ../Tools/autotest/sim_vehicle.py -f gazebo-iris --console --map However, the drone is...