An option to only copy/move the top aka king sibling tag when using that feature in the duplicate filter. Example: File 1 has `samus_aran` -> `character:samus aran` File 2 has...
Shortcut visualiser akin to [Shortcut Guide in PowerToys]( Priority should be given to shortcuts that apply to the current window.
Automatically archiving/deleting files based on phash, logging and explaining action, especially when downloading. For deletion you could have options to only do it for certain delete reasons. For archiving one...
Import reason. GUG, query, API, subscription, import all saved in the log and preferably in the database too. Would be nice to have it searchable too.
Rename ambiguous "database" terms to more clearly refer to media library. There are probably other ambiguous terms that could need some better wording but this is one that've stood out...
Currently the only option is selecting everything else and running the search. So if you want everything that isn't a .psd you have to select all the other types. Most...
Per-tab setting to have them automatically refresh. Default off so as to not lag like crazy when 100k+ files tabs suddenly refresh.
As of right now advanced mode is a toggle under the help menu and turning it on does stuff. What stuff? I'm not entirely sure to be honest, closest thing...
People have been requesting a lot of features relating to what and how you can export things other than files and tags. ## Ability to export more than just files....
Instead of relying on just the computer being idle it would be nice if you could set up schedules over allowed hours for when Hydrus is allowed to do what....