Mark the parts of the images with the highest difference when doing dupe filtering.
Option close to delete files on import to also delete empty folders. Ideally this should make it so when Hydrus is done and the settings are checked, only folders containing...
The ability to extract (unzip) archives on import. Options to discard archive when done, recursive extraction, password input, ingore top level folder, migrate tags to resulting files.
My idea is that when you add ipfs as a service you either get a special ipfs file service, or get to designate an existing one as the ipfs file...
Searching and sorting by time pinned to IPFS.
Personalised pages available from new page. Search page with pre-set query as an example. Gallery downloader with pre-set settings and GUG.
# Tag search and editing A panel to manage tags themselves rather than tags on files. Suggested usecases are editing tags to correct spelling errors, plain deleting tags without having...
The idea would be to make searches over two or possible more services to give us files that perhaps have a tag on one but not the other, or the...
A customisable version of the archive/delete filter for whatever purpose one could think to use it for. My personal usecase would be to add or remove tags from files as...
Indicator in tag manager search whether tag is already present or not with different indicator for if present on all files, some and maybe none.