Regex for tag censorship, black-/whitelist etc.
Desired keybind actions - [ ] Copy and paste tags shortcuts - [ ] Copy subtag - [ ] Refresh all - [ ] Remove last added tag (Ctrl+Z) -...
I am primarily concerned about files imported through the API but I guess it could be useful for normal file imports too, with sidecar .txt files with tags, regex extraced...
A setting for file blacklist to check its list against PTR (and other remote repositories) tags. Should also apply to whitelist and work in both directions so to speak. Discard...
Client-side PTR blacklist to avoid committing tags into the PTR. Some people are apparently worried about somehow publishing sensitive information into PTR and have requested this feature. Others just don't...
By type I mean things like uploader/creator comment, translation, meta data, and whatever else a user would want. Preferably the system would come with a few presets but be extendable...
See title. We can currently search for names of notes as well as searching for files that either have or don't have notes.
While it's currently possible for one file to possess multiple notes, one note can't be assigned to multiple files in such a way where edits to the note in one...
There are a lot of cases where for example a character is technically in an image. Usually as something like a doll, on a poster in the background, a hand...
Dynamic shortcuts for tags, editable directly in media viewer. Say you assign 1 through 5 as tag shortcuts and as you go through your media you discover that a tag...