Vladyslav Tarasenko
Vladyslav Tarasenko
Clicking on the "Show Apps" button does nothing [JS ERROR: TypeError: "ANIMATION_TIME" is read-only]
Have encountered this issue on Manjaro with the same upgrade. @vanvugt fix worked, thanks!
Same issue on ubuntu desktop 23.10: ``` Inspecting dqlite Inspect dqlite cp: cannot stat '/var/snap/microk8s/6370/var/kubernetes/backend/localnode.yaml': No such file or directory ```
v9 also has this issue
Have the same issue on juju `3.5.0-genericlinux-amd64` (lxd) and jhack `` (rev 337 from latest/stable): ``` ERROR:jhack:failed to fetch db; command ['juju', 'scp', 'postgresql/0:/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-postgresql-0/charm/.unit-state.db', '/home/zvirovyi/snap/jhack/337/unit-state-gz7m_i0i.db'] exited with 1 failed to...
I mean rumble