Supplementaries-1.19.2-2.3.4-fabric.jar fabric-api-0.76.0+1.19.2.jar inmis-2.7.1-1.19.jar inmisaddon-1.0.4.jar Latest Fabric Launcher on Curseforge (not sure how to check this) We have Inmis and inmis addon installed on the server and have found a glitch...
Hey, I am running an Origins server, and we are having an issue with both the Celestium and Aquarium armour full speed boosts plus farmers respite coffee spped boost plus...
Hi, sorry back again. YIGD: 2.0.0 beta 5 Travelers Backpacks: 9.1.8 Cosmetic Armour: 1.6.0 Minecraft: 1.20.1 Fabric: 0.14.24 Been having a lot of complaints from players, but nothing really "repeatable"...