
Results 11 issues of Mocker

how can I debug this program in IDE goland

do we have any benchmark?


### 请描述您的需求或者改进建议 看到fastjson2有支持jsonschema,是否考虑把jsonschema生成fake数据的需求也加入一下;完善json系列的功能生态 ### 请描述你建议的实现方案 无 ### 描述您考虑过的替代方案 开源的jsongenerator,但用的人不多,star也很少 #### 附加信息 无


增加客户端密码。看了下目前ssdb所有的python客户端好像都没有密码支持。因为要用到, 参照redis-py增加了这个功能。修复的所有bug均是因为自己恰好用到。

have fixed. and I will give my commits this weekend.

I read the doc, but still meet some problem. I have 20 cbeta xml(20 diff label, assume 1 to 20), and I wanna make a diff result of them. could...

### Description any plan to make rtc pluggable? such as livekt or some other rtc provider ### Severity Major ### Additional Information _No response_

### Description /app/agents/scripts/ line 98: 125 Illegal instruction /tmp/test FATAL: unsupported platform. Please UNCHECK the 'Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon' Docker Desktop setting if you're running on...
