Results 4 comments of Julien PRIGENT

`WARNING:asyncua.client.ua_client.UASocketProtocol:ServiceFault (BadSessionIdInvalid, diagnostics: DiagnosticInfo(SymbolicId=None, NamespaceURI=None, Locale=None, LocalizedText=None, AdditionalInfo=None, InnerStatusCode=None, InnerDiagnosticInfo=None)) from server received in response to PublishRequest ERROR:asyncua.client.client:Error while renewing session Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\user1\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\asyncua\client\client.py", line 413,...

I'm not sure **not** allowing the session to timeout is the right default approach here. The traditional way of keeping a session active is to create a subscription, thereafter you...

> I know that a subscription is the best way to keep a session alive. But we received some bug reports that didn't use subscriptions and had session timeouts. Because...

I gave a try to `server-with-encryption.py` and it works like a charm from the asyncua client: ``` import sys import asyncio from asyncua.crypto import security_policies from asyncua import ua, Client...