Hello All, Could you please explain how to apply Global Weight rank pooling in pytorch. For your refernce the article which discussed is mentioned as below. Thank you @inproceedings{kolesnikov2016seed, title={Seed,...
Hello All, I can't access the resnet101-imagenet.pth. When i click the link it doesn't work. Could you please share any alternative procedure. Kind regards Please download MIT imagenet pretrained resnet101-imagenet.pth,...
Hello, I am trying to run "main.py", but i get the following error. Could you please provide a little bit explanation. python main.py --c ExtremeC3Net.json no tensorflow found. set use_tensorboard...
Hello @HYOJINPARK , I successfully trained the ExtremeC3Net. Now I want to test new images to see the testing accuracy. I am not sure what to do next. I tried...
Hello Hyojin Park, Thanks for the amazing work. I am trying to run the code (ExtPortraitSeg "main.py") on my dataset. However, I have difficulty to do so. Could you please...
Hello all, I would like to run train.py using python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_porp=8890 train.py --batch 4 [ADE20K PATH]. However, I get the following error. Could you please provide me...
**Hello Everyone, Could you please explain the following section of the code in relation to the pipeline. My question is why did you use the conv2d followed by conv1d. What...