Brian Hoem
Brian Hoem
I ran the command to install the client listed on the Releases page for this repo, and got stopped during dependency installation for libpango and axel. I was able to...
I'm attempting to use this extension with VSCode, and for the most part it's been working. However, whenever I change any line of code (for example, adding or removing any...
I have a model whose hand is rigged like so, and when I enable the Leap Motion tracking the model's thumb is rotated maybe 45° into the hand, this means...
If the user you're trying to make a card of doesn't have the Name field set in their profile, it returns a null during the lookup call in Is there ANY possible reason for this to happen? I can't have myBlock_1.png and myBlock_2.png because it strips off the 1 and 2 before adding the texture, which makes...
had the program running using a command prompt and saved the .model file while 7zip had it open. it threw an error in the console about being unable to save,...
as mentioned back in #39 not only do some blocks use the tintindex to color the block differently, some items use it as well. would it be possible for some... DragonAPI wants to do some cleanup for whatever reason for the Chromaticraft dimention, and is unable to delete the folder WirelessRedstone makes for each dimention. and when you try... this link works on discord, embedding as a video, but on telegram it shows up as the usual reddit watermarked embed preview image like it would with a regular...