Brian Hoem
Brian Hoem
I'm working on decompiling Digimon World 1, and when I get to functions that deal with rendering I can't just look up the macro names you've used for what data...
This might be slightly related to #58 as it seems to happen with functions containing gte commands, but a few functions are acting as if the registers gp and sp...
I'm currently running LP in my Omnifactory pack (also added ) and I'm trying to debug why my game hangs for so long with my partially overly-complicated LP...
Please complete the following information when submitting a feature request or bug report. * Extension version: * Browser name & version: Chrome Version 100.0.4896.75 (Official Build) (64-bit) * Operating...
you never included your changes to what's made public for blocksteps on your git, like net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.starGLCallList for me.ichun.mods.blocksteps.common.render.RenderGlobalProxy
If a box is selected the texture area it uses is highlighted, so why not allow using the mouse to click and drag that texture area around the map. this...
when on the login screen, pressing back button closes the login prompt, but the prompt immediately opens back up instead of allowing the user to close andfchat using the back...
so I've been truing to use an external keyboard and I've got a few suggestions to make using andfchat better. pressing enter should send the post, and ctrl + enter...
I see that you're using an enum to register the different dragon breeds available. Would it be possible to refactor this into a list of sorts to allow people to...