Results 5 comments of Zooce

Just learned about this on Twitter now and will be trying this out today:

Looking at the code, in `UnixFileLock._acquire` the call to `` is not wrapped in a try-except, but `WindowsFileLock._acquire` does wrap the `` call in a try-except.

Any progress on this? I've had to add so many words to the folder dictionaries that it's becoming kind of annoying.

I'm not an expert in Qt applications, but launching LibreCAD from the terminal like this seems to work: ``` $ QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 librecad & ``` I got this from: And...

I'm having similar problems but with GitBash. I see the fnm_multishells in my path but for some reason it's not picking it up. One thing that is different about that...