Make that .69.0
It appears that when resolving the local $synchpath - the intune tenants path doesn't match the local therefore the Get-ChildItem fails to find any new child objects. In the case...
I found that the issue was the user of the $ENV:ONEDRIVE environment variable. then stripping off the last folder name with the SPLIT-PATH command. It was then concatenated with the...
It appears that when resolving the local $synchpath - the intune tenants path doesn't match the local therefore the Get-ChildItem fails to find any new child objects. In the case...
Another reason this doesn't work from the Endpoint manager (inTune) is having the env:onedrive not in the correct casing (OneDrive) will not run remotely.
My son thinks I get better ones then he does on his iPhone. He has never used PoGo-UWP.
I have had the map come up but now Poke stops or Pokémon. Is this what you experiences? The message usually comes up about being unstable and re-log on doesn't...