Now this is odd! Config and version? The key should spawn as soon as all the players join or almost instant if solo.
Not sure if the problem has been fixed but maybe try removing space from beginning of server name? "=test" instead of "= test" lmk if this helped :)
Look at new version. You will have place in config file for name and HTML color code. This will allow you to set it to whatever, eg. (Your steam name)...
Make sure the host is the one who picks up the key and opens the door. I have found this to be a simple solution for a 5-16 man server....
Version and Config settings?
Im currently trying to reproduce. possible shutterspeed? Give me a bit and I'll reply with a fix or workaround for now.
As far as I know, All players must load to finalize loading of the map. Objectives nor items will spawn until the last man enters. I believe this was changed...
did you "useCustomNames=true"? if so can you post your modconfig? I try to keep names either single name or first and last name though I have to test more on...
Im not sure. I presumed the names to be "generated" at the end of loading of a level but this is (maybe) not the case for asylum. Possible that names...