### WorldEdit Version 7.2.14 ### Platform Version Fabric 0.14.21 ### Confirmations - [X] I am using the most recent Minecraft release. - [X] I am using a version of WorldEdit...
Minecraft version - 1.19.4 Mod version and malilib version - litematica-fabric-1.19.4-0.14.3 and malilib-fabric-1.19.4-0.15.4 and for niceness sakes chisels-and-bits-fabric-1.3.137 Whenever I select an Area with a Chiseled Block (ID: chiselsandbits:chiseledrock) and...
**Mod Info (fill out the following information)** - Mod name: Nostalgic Tweaks - Mod version: 2.0.0-beta.903 **Describe the problem** When the Tweak "Button Layout", inside the Eyecandy/Interface Candy/Title Screen/Buttons, is...