Has there been any progress on this lately? It's a pitty would really love to have .pdf pictures for vector graphics.
Probably the later one. `using GR` instead of `using Plots`
## Review checklist for @Zitzeronion ### Conflict of interest - [x] I confirm that I have read the [JOSS conflict of interest (COI) policy](https://github.com/openjournals/joss/blob/master/COI.md) and that: I have no COIs...
Hey @jbytecode, I am sorry for the delay, started yesterday reviewing the project. So far so good, one thing that is somewhat conflicting to me is the **Contribution and authorship**....
Thanks @jbytecode for putting such a nice bullet point list in such a short time. Thanks @tonyewong for the answer, maybe one additional question is @lrennels a PhD student under...
Hello @tonyewong, Yes, I would be satisfied with a short outline of contributions in the README.md file. I don't know if JOSS allows for an *Authors contribution* section, maybe @jbytecode...
I've been active in the repo. There is just one thing left from the checkbox for the paper, which is **State of the field**. The paper is well written, but...
👋 @mbernaschi and @lnacquaroli, thanks for accepting to review our contribution. Looking forward to your feedback 😃
@mbernaschi is there anything I can do to help with the process, please let me know. Thanks for the very positive review @lnacquaroli and thanks for taking the time to...
@arfon sorry to bother you, but is it possible to get an update?