Plots.jl copied to clipboard
Error about savefig
This issue is the continuance of #791
Reproduce Procedure
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# export GKS_ENCODING=utf-8
# julia: 1.4.0
# Plot.jl: 0.29.1
# sci-visualization/gr: 0.50.0-r1
using Plots
This is correct. However.
This bug occurs on ( insert x
below )
Backend | yes | no | untested |
gr (default) | x | ||
pyplot | x | ||
plotly | x | ||
plotlyjs | x | ||
pgfplotsx | x | ||
inspectdr | x |
Note that it happens with some Polish letters like ś ć ą, but not with ó for example. Also only appears for me with the .pdf format, others are fine
Has there been any progress on this lately? It's a pitty would really love to have .pdf pictures for vector graphics.
I have the same issue with "-" dash as minus on yaxis when saving as 'pdf'. Using Palatino font.
I still have this issue. My workaround was to save as SVG and then convert the SVG to PDF.
Can you recreate the issue with GR alone?
I am not sure what you mean by "with GR alone". Do you mean not using Julia ? Or not using plots.jl?
Probably the later one.
using GR
instead of
using Plots
Should be reported to GR.