Results 7 comments of Zintom

I understand that allocating objects on the stack may be vastly more complex than it appears on the surface. Perhaps a more doable idea is to enable a new type...

> How would the GC detect roots from your heap? My idea is that any object referenced by this "unmanaged heap" would be marked as "possibly live, linked to an...

> This can be optimized in methods, but not in ctors I'm genuinely curious, why could this assignment not also be elided in constructors?

> Because readonly fields can be modified in the ctor any number of times. Ahh yes I see now, inside a constructor `_locker` could be reassigned after the `Monitor.Enter` and...

> Why is this optimization worth it? Are there any measurements showing this is a problem? It's not exactly a high priority, but is an oversight; in my example the...

> Any updates now? It seem to be hard to change because workers call C# code instead of native java code. I think we must to write worker in all...

Just me being nosy here, what's the tooling issue? Is it to do with all generic methods like this?