> Also happening to me in both the beta and stable version of 2.0.0. > Dear Jamzilla, I have a Mac system and the error is exactly like yours. I...
I installed [2.1.0](https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/releases/tag/nightly-builds) beta - the problem remains, the profile (backup) is not imported. I'm staying on the best 1.9.1 version at the moment.
upd: I didn't wait for the fix and returned to prusa. =))
I have a Mac system, but maybe this solution will also work for you. Open the configuration folder and delete its contents. Next, reinstall orco, and then import your profiles/backups....
> Thank you very much for your help! But unfortunately that didn't work. > > However, this made me realise that there must be another configuration folder, because after restarting...
> You really don't have to apologise because you wanted to help. No, as the error description says, it doesn't work with 1.9.1 either. =( I wish you to find...