Ziheng Sun
Ziheng Sun
I understand Web Mercator naturally has two holes in the polar area. How to get rid of them? In opposite, the polar regions of original cesium globe are not blank....
Expand more tests in this folder to cover more logic in the Java backend code https://github.com/ESIPFed/Geoweaver/tree/master/src/test/java/com/gw Currently, our coverage is not that good. Need to find those least covered code...
It just doesn't work well and might destroy user confidence in us. Just remove all the Jupyter related code. Frankly speaking, Geoweaver is at the same tech level as Jupyter....
All the triggered workflow runs don't exit and have been there forever until manually killing them. Try to find out why the jar doesn't exit. The workflow is already done.
That is understandable due to the network disconnection. But we should reestablish the connection soon pushing the latest updates to the front end as soon as the network comes back.
This is actually natively supported by spring boot, and we just need to create a documentation to show people how to do it to change database from H2 to production...