Žiga Vukčevič
Žiga Vukčevič
Hi, I am having difficulties to set up move.js Here is my code: ```
Hi, I am having an issue replacing minified css file with revisioned one. Note: my revisioned file is fully created in `dist/public/css/styles-all.min.8e0e07d1.css` This is my grunt config file: ``` useminPrepare:...
Hi, I can not seem to work this one out. Grunt task: ``` useminPrepare: { html: 'index.html', options: { dest: '.' } }, usemin: { html: ['build/development/index.html'] }, ``` Grunt...
Hi, here is html sample which I'd like to scrape. ``` John Ana ``` With my code I keep getting into strange loops. ``` .get('http://someUrl.com') .log(console.log) .find('.name') .set('name') ... ```...
Hi, I am moving my bot to my VPS. I have set up SSL - I see secure connection icon in my browser. By running ``` CLIENT_ID=xxxx CLIENT_SECRET=yyyy VERIFICATION_TOKEN=zzzz PORT=443...
Hi, I was looking at your sample: ``` $route['api/([a-z0-9]+)/(\d+)'] = 'api/$1/index/$2'; ``` but this does not remove index from my url. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
Hi, I am building a bot which would track records of time. E.g.: user calls it like this `/work start` and the record of date/time would be written. I am...