> > > > thank you, I have solved it. Excuse me, I also encountered this problem, how did you solve it?
> @Zhuanglong2你好!你开始培训了吗?你能提供你的模型的配置文件,以及关于你本地机器的一些信息吗?例如,CPU、GPU、内存 Thank you for your responce. I have addressed this problem by setting"numer works = 0".
When i run "lane_video.py", i meet this problem"RuntimeError: input must be contiguous". Then, I debug this code, and i find the problem appears in "flipped = self.proj2_conv(flipped, feature)". This is...
Thank you. I just run "lane_video.py" by following the"VISUALIZATION.md", and meet this problem. W[hen i DEBUG, i find that the code stops in "modulated_deform_conv.py".In this part, I find it have...
> @Zhuanglong2 Could you try changing this line: > > https://github.com/voldemortX/pytorch-auto-drive/blob/2b0d5ec5f7536c9d2d2b6d8498718a8fca2ab276/utils/datasets/video.py#L28 > > to: > > ``` > images = images[..., [2, 1, 0]].permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous() / 255.0 #...