thank you in advance. after finishing the Installation step by step, I run the feature extraction command line as follows: "python extract_features.py --image_dir /home/yuting/multi30k/clone/image/test_2017_flickr --out_dir features" the error occured: Traceback...
thank you for your quick help! I will have a try soon and have a look.
thank you in advance. I have installed packages as you instructed above. another error occurred as follows: Traceback (most recent call last): File "extract_features.py", line 10, in from model.faster_rcnn.resnet import...
yes. after installing packages, I do the command line "cd lib" and "sh make.sh" to compile the code. then run the extraction command "python extract_features.py --image_dir /home/yuting/multi30k/clone/image/test_2017_flickr --out_dir features" the...
thank you so much. i am sorry for that i use cuda10 now...so your code is incompatible with cuda10 right?