Results 85 comments of Samuel

You are welcome, friend. ;)

No, **originholic**. I'm working in others things right now :(. Maybe in the futurre I try with the advantage actor-critic, but not now. I'm sorry. Regards. Samu.

Hello, @simsim314 . 1. @benediamond , @Akababa and myself tried to enlarge the feed planes but we failed until now to make the model to converge with the 177 (or...

@benediamond, could you try a fast check? Why don't you add (as @simsim314 said) to the model some others CNN layers like this: ``` x = Conv2D(filters=mc.cnn_filter_num, kernel_size=mc.cnn_filter_size, padding="same", data_format="channels_first",...

You are right, @benediamond. We have already two convolutional layer for each residual block. My mistake. I don't really know why nor your model neither mine are able to converge...

Yes!! of course your collaboration will be welcome. Please checkout and as soon as you get stable results ask for a pull request :).

@Akababa, can you please review this?

@Akababa, please can you review this? May it be caused by using Mac OS?

It looks very promising!! Please stay training for a while so we can check if the model is able to finish a gane without blunder!!

@Akababa Do you mind if I copy your results into my repository?