After thinking about it: > Option to detect if multiple IPs connect to an account Users could use a shared VPN to have the same IP address. Should we set...
Also, to avoid risking users creating a 2nd account to get a hint for "free"; should we also do detection via IP addresses? Maybe something similar to behavioral analysis could...
On the same note, to detect user cheating through solution sharing (not flag sharing or 2nd account) we could warn admins in case the user flag a challenge without even...
What about adding a "cheating score". This way while admins are warned everytime a player is acting suspiciously a "point" is added to their cheating score; it would be an...
What about team helping each other ? We could use the KNN algorithm to group together the teams. For each team we create a vector with the norm as the...
> On the same note, to detect user cheating through solution sharing (not flag sharing or 2nd account) we could warn admins in case the user flag a challenge without...