
Results 60 issues of Zero_Chaos

kismet 2022-01-R3 is out, and requires python-websockets for some of it's data sources. Additionally, an "unsupported" datasource requires python-bluepy or it shows an ugly error. It's not required, and it...

I've had a "live ebuild" for TR for a while now, basically it automatically pulls from git within gentoo's package manager, and builds/installs the latest rev. It's super helpful for...

The docs indicate that analogRecorders and digitalRecorders are optional keys, but what happens when they aren't specified isn't documented. Please update the documentation to include what happens if these keys...

sometimes when using rtl_tcp as a source, a socket error happens and the socket is disconnected. this can easily be replicated by simply killing rtl_tcp. However, when this happens, t-r...

op25 is bundled with trunk-recorder, which is great for a lot of people. But some of us want to build against a different op25 fork or just the op25 we...

``` 92% tests passed, 114 tests failed out of 1356 Label Time Summary: chest = 38.28 sec*proc (22 tests) fec = 1.40 sec*proc (11 tests) ldpc = 0.03 sec*proc (1...

Config looks like this ``` cmake -C /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/srsran-22.04/work/srsran-22.04_build/gentoo_common_config.cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DENABLE_UHD=yes -DENABLE_BLADERF=yes -DENABLE_SOAPYSDR=yes -DENABLE_ZEROMQ=yes -DENABLE_HARDSIM=yes -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/srsran-22.04/work/srsran-22.04_build/gentoo_toolchain.cmake /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/srsran-22.04/work/srsran-22.04 loading initial cache file /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/srsran-22.04/work/srsran-22.04_build/gentoo_common_config.cmake -- The C compiler identification is... cat: VERSION: No such file or directory Causes the pkgconfig file shipped by kismet to not include a version.

INFO: Data source 'mousejack:name=nRF,hop_rate=82/sec' launched successfully INFO: Data source 'freaklabs:device=/dev/ttyUSB0,name=freak2,band=2400,hop_ rate=32/sec' launched successfully I know that hop_rate is valid for at least mousejack, but the ui shows 5/sec despite kismet...

the packet format for 802.15.4 doesn't seem to include channel. is there some way we can include channel in the kismet db, or some other 802.15.4 DLT that includes frequency...