
Results 4 comments of ZeqMacaw

I had considered this idea several years ago, but did not come up with a good way of doing this. The main issue is how to handle words or phrases...

What is the workshop link to the addon?

You might need to install .NET Framework 4.0, as indicated in the Requirements: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CrowbarTool/discussions/0/540742667916033540/ Please post here if installing the Framework fixed the issue or not.

I have debugged this and figured out a solution for next release. Here is a zip of the decompiled files after the fix: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sqvedtxqoq3kivtpvitas/3154731708-decompile-from-Crowbar-0.74mod.7z?rlkey=fiqhc4j9x7mvfu5cv0r2xak42&dl=1