Zen Savona

Results 7 comments of Zen Savona

I actually looked into this a bit more (porting it). It's very sad but it seems VS Code provides no way that I am aware of to highlight the background...

Thanks for the suggestion @sergey-dev, but isn't your above fix required because Backbone.Model doesn't fire change events for nested attributes? (the whole point of Backbone.DeepModel is that it does just...

The reason it takes a long time to compile is because it has macros which declare a `match` function for every TLD in the public suffix list, which is quite...

I think in the next release I'll make using a local (perhaps old) suffix list optional.

@josesfjunior is the format of those versions not different though?

It's because to like media with IG's API, you need special permission which is near impossible to get.