@xDooooot Hi LaoGe, I trained SSD and get some params, when I load it and predict my test image, it is pick a issue, please you upload some code about...
@xDooooot Thank you! I got it though others ask. But use camera also funny to try it.
thank you . It worked for me~
onnx generate by: https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/tree/main/samples/python/efficientdet
Have a Piont: EfficiDet-D0 is ok. EfficiDet-Lite0 error.
> Looking into it - it seems like all we have to do is update the base image here https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/blob/main/docker/ubuntu-20.04-aarch64.Dockerfile#L19 to 11.6.2. I'm verifying it on my end - can...
> @sunjiahao1999 Hi, when I inferred the onnx of FCOS3D with the following command, the inference was very slow, about 20 minutes per item. > > `- python tools/test.py configs/mmdet3d/monocular-detection/monocular-detection_onnxruntime_static.py...
> @Isaac-xie Have you updated mmdeploy to the latest version? You can check if `MonocularDetection` in your `mmdeploy/utils/constants.py`. If not, please pull the latest version to your own repo. hi,...
I also meet this erro and my train loss down on 300+ but acc under 50! however, 50 jpg always train I don't work it like this: 苏AZ3A25 1.0 苏AZ3A25...