曾逸夫(Zeng Yifu)

Results 18 comments of 曾逸夫(Zeng Yifu)

@glenn-jocher @AyushExel I tested on torch==1.12.0 and everything works fine. Here is my configuration: YOLOv5 🚀 v6.1-370-g20f1b7e Python-3.9.12 torch-1.12.0+cu116 CUDA:0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, 24260MiB) ![ksnip_20220806-174057](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41098760/183243688-91c62d34-dd3e-4d80-a58b-4574e26267f1.png)

> 试下feature_demo_stream那个分支,examples/base/object_detector_yolo.cc,ProcessSDKOutput这个函数里的output换成你自己模型的output #### 我试了,5维的tnn模型和4维的tnn模型都试了,在feature_demo_stream这个分支,然而用手机摄像头检测没有任何反应。 #### 于是我用`物体检测-图片输入`进行测试,结果提示这个错误: ```shell E/tnn: virtual tnn::Status tnn::TNNSDKSample::Init(std::shared_ptr) [File /media/zyf/document/TNN/examples/base/tnn_sdk_sample.cc][Line 570] instance.net init failed 4098 jint Java_com_tencent_tnn_demo_ObjectDetector_init(JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring, jint, jint, jfloat, jfloat, jint, jint) [File...

@ouxiand 这个我很久没研究了,我当时使用的是YOLOv5 v5.0,你可以尝试一下最新的YOLOv5 v6.1。

@DamirPorobic Click this shortcut icon, there is no response. The previous version would have a reduced icon in the upper right corner, now there is nothing. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41098760/144834275-6994744c-168d-4853-963b-c6b250bd9273.png)

@DamirPorobic Sorry I didn't find the file `~/.config/ksnip`, I searched the entire home directory and there is no ksnip related information.

@DamirPorobic I downgraded the installation one by one until the version `1.9.0` was used normally. I hope you can solve the problem of incompatibility between the higher version and Ubuntu....

> yolo.py -> class Detect(nn.Module): 大神,请问这个yolo.py文件是在什么操作下使用的? 是运行export.py文件导出onnx模型的时候还是运行train.py文件生成pt模型时?

> 只有在导出的时候改一下就可以了,训练时不用改使用默认的就行。 谢谢大神

@dawoodkhan82 You try to use gradio 3.1.3, the problem is still not solved. You check the version of gradio you are using.