Zeeshan Rizvi
Zeeshan Rizvi
@YinzeZhang Hi there. Result is being placed under ../SR/BI/RCAN/Set5/x2
I am trying to reproduce the MAE scores on ShanghaiTech Part B dataset presented in your publication. Are the pretrained weights for that available?
Hello @milesial. Please reopen this issue as I am facing the exact same problem. Setting `--classes` flag to 2 results in 0,1,2 values when running the prediction script using trained...
Hey there. I have forked the repository to add a file. You can refer to it here https://github.com/ZeeRizvee/CAR. What you need to do is run the run_LR.py instead of run.py...
@gy-7 Hi there. Thank you for this PR! This could be a valuable addition to the MMYOLO repository, but it seems like the repository has been dead since the last...
> > @gy-7 Hi there. Thank you for this PR! This could be a valuable addition to the MMYOLO repository, but it seems like the repository has been dead since...
Hi @JosueDavalos. Did you find any solution? I am currently facing the same problem.