I don't think we need to be writing features and fixes into the framework because people are using features of the framework incorrectly. Characters are simply just intended to have...
I am having trouble understanding, could you like mspaint or give me a snippet to - see what you're talking about?
@alexgrist I see no harm in this as I can see it's potential use serverside. Adding hooks is ideally avoidable but the closest thing you can get to this would...
After discussing, my bad, I was incorrect. The hook you want is PlayerSpawn, which you can write some easy checks for to make sure it's not running after each iteration,...
Reopening if what is said is accurate, providing reproduction code is probably the best step. But I'll look at it again when I can.
This is why we test absolutely everything before we do anything. Which is also part of the reason PRs take so long. Thank you I'll try to completely go through...
It's odd to have it done this way [it's not the only time this happens in the framework; `BAR_HEIGHT` for `ix.bar` is another one] But you can just put `SWEP.LowerAngles`...
If we do this, we should probably do #356 too.
@OffLegAz Have you tested this without the Helix content on, including in client materials/ folders .etc?