Thanks for the report. If you can provide a link to the plugins and an example config that causes the issue (you can use I'll take a look at...
Yeah, would be nice to work it in with Friendly perhaps an API to tell Friendly to set the agression after dropping the entity?
Thanks, I'll look into this one soon. On 22/12/2014 8:09 am, "ext4" [email protected] wrote: > WorldGuard version 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT.1471 > OtherDrops version 2.8b.588, build 132 from jenkins > Spigot version git-Spigot-1.7.9-R0.2-207-g03373bb...
Looks like an error in the play sound function, problem with the config or possibly a change in Minecraft/Spigot 1.8? On 09/01/2015 10:09 am, "israelcurtis" [email protected] wrote: > 08.01 15:03:46...
Not if he's specified drop: nothing for the skeleton, which should clear the equipment. I'll look into it.
There is some support for non-vanilla mobs but last I looked into it needed a custom build of OtherDrops. I'll do some digging and look into this again soon.
Unfortunately there's no "flags" on blocks that indicate how it was spawned. I have also considered this option and it might be possible to some degree in conjunction with a...
Yeah, generally better to have two tickets for distinct features but I'd rather have the requests than not at all :) Both good ideas but I want to wait until...
Yes, please email me the config so I can try and replicate the issue.
Just confirming that I've started on this issue, once I isolate the specific issues I'll post new tickets and close this one.