Bukkit-OtherBlocks copied to clipboard
Skeleton Droping Bows
After a lot of testing on my server, I noticed that skeletons still drop bows even though bows do not appear anywhere on my skeleton drops. Here is my config files.
# Set this to "low" to reduce number of boot messages or to high, highest, extreme for more debugging info
verbosity: normal
# OtherDrops uses BukkitPermissions by default - set 'useyetipermissions' to true if you want
# legacy permissions support (no guarantees it will work).
useyetipermissions: false
# Number of decimal places to round money drops off to (for the drop and message)
money-precision: 2
# Set this to false if you don't want blocks to drop their custom configs upon explosions (eg. tnt/creepers)
customdropsforexplosions: true
# Set this to false if you want items to drop as a single stack (true=individual item drops, like lapis drops from lapis ore)
default_dropspread: true
# Set this to true if you want XP drops to be cancelled when configuring mob drops (unless there is a default drop)Xq
# - this means you need to set an XP drop yourself if you want any XP to drop
disable_xp_on_non_default: false
## Override Defaults ##
money_overrides_default: false # set true to have money drops override default drops
xp_overrides_default: false # set true to have xp drops override default drops
loot_overrides_default: true # set true to have loot (anything other than money or xp, includes mobs) drops override default drops
# The plugin will scan through and load these files after loading the main config below.
# Note: drops from included files will are inclusive and will all be added to the drop list.
# - includes/od-fix_undroppables.yml # fix glass, bookshelf, boat and stairs drops
# - includes/od-goldtools-basic.yml # allow gold tools chance to get ice, glowstone and grass
# - includes/od-goldtools-smelt.yml # gold-pickaxe smelts ores to ingots, sand to glass, etc
# - includes/od-ore_extraction.yml # allow ores to be "extracted" - leaving behind the stone
# - includes/od-leaf_overhaul.yml # overhaul leaf drops (apples, cocoa beans, leaves, sticks & a very small chance of golden apple)
# - includes/od-playerdeath_zombie.yml # players drop zombies on death
# - includes/od-undead_chaos.yml # the undead shall rise again! Includes players dropping zombies/skeletons
# - includes/od-random_examples.yml # For crazy testing only :) Read through examples before activating.
# - includes/od-dyewool.yml # Dye wool after placing!
# - includes/od-stop_mob_farms.yml # Stop mob farming!
## Other users overhauls
# - includes/overhaul-catballs.yml # great example/playable config from Catballs (disable "ob" configs before using this one, otherwise you might have too many drops)
# - includes/overhaul-zarius.yml # Zar's messy config (I run this with no other includes, at the moment)
## Add your files here (alternatively just add your custom drops to the bottom of this file)
# - my_custom_file1.yml
# add custom YAML aliases here (advanced customisation) - see the wiki for more information
biomes: ALL
worlds: ALL
# add default values for the config below, "include-files" have their own "defaults" sections
# Your changes here, or create a new .yml file and include it above in the "include-files" section
# Explore the included config files for many more examples
# If make a interesting or crazy config let me know on the forum and I might include it in the next release.
# Example:
# - drop: GLASS
# - drop: MONEY
# quantity: 3-15
# message: You recycled the glass for %q dollars.
- drop: NOTHING
- drop: 371
quantity: 1-3
chance: 35
- drop: 367
quantity: 1
chance: 15
- drop: 352
quantity: 1-2
chance: 10
- drop: 266
quantity: 1-3
chance: 2
- drop: 267
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 347
quantity: 1
chance: 1
- drop: 322
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 322@1
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 314
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 315
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 316
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 317
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 294
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 286
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 285
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 284
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 283
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 41
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 388
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 264
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 396
quantity: 1-2
chance: .055
- drop: NOTHING
- drop: 371
quantity: 2-4
chance: 35
- drop: 367
quantity: 1
chance: 10
- drop: 352
quantity: 1-2
chance: 35
- drop: 262
quantity: 4-7
chance: 4
- drop: 266
quantity: 1-3
chance: 2
- drop: 267
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 347
quantity: 1
chance: 1
- drop: 322
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 322@1
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 314
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 315
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 316
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 317
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 294
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 286
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 285
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 284
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 283
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 41
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 388
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 264
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 396
quantity: 1-2
chance: .055
- drop: NOTHING
- drop: 371
quantity: 1-3
chance: 35
- drop: 30
quantity: 1-2
chance: 35
- drop: 367
quantity: 1
chance: 10
- drop: 375
quantity: 1
chance: 3
- drop: 266
quantity: 1-3
chance: 2
- drop: 267
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 347
quantity: 1
chance: 1
- drop: 322
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 322@1
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 314
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 315
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 316
quantity: 1
chance: .125
- drop: 317
quantity: 1
chance: .215
- drop: 294
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 286
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 285
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 284
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 283
quantity: 1
chance: .25
- drop: 41
quantity: 1
chance: .055
- drop: 388
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 264
quantity: 1
chance: .01
- drop: 396
quantity: 1-2
chance: .055
This is normal Minecraft behaviour; skeletons occasionally drop the bow they're carrying.
Not if he's specified drop: nothing for the skeleton, which should clear the equipment. I'll look into it.
Ah, good point; I'd missed that detail.