Toke Thorup
Toke Thorup
Hey guys, I have an additional question about tailoring wind tunnel to terrain. I have successfully done so in GH, by taking the section of the terrain which corresponds to...
Thanks for the answer @TheodoreGalanos, I am sorry that the picture isn't that explaining. However, you fully understood my question, Is there a way to calculated the wind velocity with...
Hey @NallaV. I'm having some problems with boundary conditions for my outdoor simulation and it sounds like you have found a way to make it work - are you willing...
Thanks for the reply @mostaphaRoudsari :) However, I don't think that I was specific enough with the intention of my question. I would like to set up boundary conditions for...
I had this issue a while back and what i did was to generate a file like the one you can find in the tutorial exsample for OpenFoam on github....
Hey guys, I hope it's okay that I post a question into this thread since it has to do with validation of Bufferfly (outdoor simulations). I have made two nearly...
You're welcome and thanks for the detailed answers and quick response. I have use 'RNGkEpsilon solver' in Ansys butdo not use gravity in the Ansys model, because of this quote:...
Hi @TheodoreGalanos, At the risk of sounding stupid, I believe i'm comparing static to static pressure. I exported my Ansys as static pressure and when i show BF results in...
Hi @kostnermo, The cp calculation is Ansys should be straight-forward, although I haven't done it before. Btw thank you so much for the advise and the references (links), I believe...