Results 75 comments of ZANE

Change feather's menu keybind to something that isnt rshift

段落是論文的基礎。許多學生用長度來定義段落:一個段落是一組至少五個句子,一個段落是半頁長,等等。但是,實際上,句子之間的思想統一和連貫才是構成段落的原因。段落定義為“組成一個單元的一組句子或單個句子”(Lunsford和Connors 116)。長度和外觀不決定紙張中的某個部分是否為段落。例如,在某些寫作風格中,特別是新聞風格,一段可能只有一個句子。最終,段落是支持一個主要思想的一個句子或一組句子。在本講義中,我們將其稱為“控制思想”,因為它控制了本段其餘部分的內容。

the trollhack kids :rofl: ur hole esp is shit but yes i agree add Glow option to hole esp like the old phobos

> Also add an animated triangular hole esp like in like in this video Shrink and grow animation too

> No, I just think ClickGui is too big. yes.

> What does that look like? Like in the Main menu gui just with a picture/animation? He wants instead of just blur or nothing as gui background add black background...

why not just mainhand

> dont use autoswitch is it hard to press 1 button?

> i mean pressing the crystal bind on ur hotbar but ok