
Results 5 issues of Zakary

## 特性 ### 小程序 - 补充 Map 组件的属性和事件,by @DBvc ### @tarojs/plugin-mini-ci - 暴露支付宝 minidev 的 `project` 参数,by @dave-qiao ## 修复 ### 小程序 - 优化主入口引用样式文件编译问题,by @顾一峰 ### H5 - **prebundle:** 删除继承... 玩转 Taro 跨端之 flex 布局篇,带你了解 flex 布局在各小程序端的表现详情并给出最佳实践 demo


支持输出 Harmony ETS 版本应用,并新增 Flex 布局等页面若干,修复示例项目问题若干

Suddenly unable to login token following with error report and keep relogin. ```confg {"data":"onGrpcStreamEvent(EVENT_TYPE_LOGIN)", "timeout":60000} ``` This error started on Friday, and continues to the present, delete memory-card and restart...

### Verify latest release - [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest pnpm release ### pnpm version version 7、8、9 ### Which area(s) of pnpm are affected? (leave...

type: bug