Zachary Hampton

Results 6 comments of Zachary Hampton

Have you fixed this? Thanks.

> I just need a simple way to use proxy with undetected_chromedriver, if this package doesn't work, I may use seleniumbase. Same boat here, what did you end up doing?

> > > I just need a simple way to use proxy with undetected_chromedriver, if this package doesn't work, I may use seleniumbase. > > > > > > Same...

Nevermind, I see its integrated already, thanks for the info.

I think the write way to handle this here is to hand the user the session, so they can handle the responses however they want using requests hooks? Agree?

Simply, merge using futures & as_completed from concurrent.futures. Adding this feature will just add complexity to the project in case of exceptions, supporting multiple sites in one call is already...