Zhibin Chen
Zhibin Chen
I have downloaded the pre-trained model from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yn-WCw1RaMxbDDNZRnoJCIGxMSAOu20_ and https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/allennlp/models/srl-model-2018.05.25.tar.gz accessed here, and tried to re-produce the experiment on SNLI dataset with the following environment settings: python 3.6 allennlp 0.8.1...
I have tried the training script in this repository to train a model for SNLI dataset, and found that when training process continued, the predicted result of all valid cases...
Hi! When I used your data, I found that some entities which should be related, such as 'Cambodia_national_football_team' and 'Football_Federation_of_Cambodia' have no link to each other, but they both have...
When I had done the data-preprocessing and began to run _Calculate users, add graph metrics, add categorical tags.ipynb_, an error occurred when I came to execute `sf = gl.SFrame(transaction_data)` as...