Zac Bi

Results 6 comments of Zac Bi

@kebukeyi 更详细的来说你得看`类加载`和`对象创建`了, ref: [深入理解JVM](

  @zouyishan 讲的差不多是这个意思, 但是有点偏差, 我补充一下.   首先, JVM中方法是不存在`initialization`这个过程的, 确切的描述应该是**调用**和**执行**. 此外, 类加载的时候, 才存在**类初始化**这个阶段.   zouyishan的解释可以理解为这么[一句话]( > You can't call something that doesn't exist. Since you haven't created an object, the non-static method doesn't exist...

又找些统计学上无意义的案例或者 **"我的一个朋友"故事系列** 来放大恐慌或者被压迫的情形, 能不能专业一点, 起码学美爹搞个吧... 再说唯物主义者信神干嘛, 犯法了有法律, 没犯法有道德舆论, 一看就没学过马哲, 或者马哲压根没及格.

I'm sorry for the response after so long time. It's a very interesting question and exploration. My intuition is that the way matrics concats is same, the difference is just...