What about a manual export and manual import option to save it as a document that we can then import ourselves?
Gone ahead and implemented this into the FAQ so that others can learn more about the issue. https://aerialscreensaver.github.io/faq.html#InstallionErrors
> When it launches, it's supposed to check what device you have set as your system's default (i.e. in Sound in your System Preferences), set Background Music Device as your...
This would be great, was literally about to make the same feature request!
Hey @eric-schneider, This is a suggestion that's been brought up a number of times. There are some complexities with it, but it's being seriously considered by @glouel.
Hey @RobinFrcd, @glouel asked me to take a look and chime in here. 1. First off, what a magical and beautiful place to have gotten to shoot. Looks like it...