How I can train HRNet with my own dataset as follow. Maybe some steps is not clear enough, but I think you can reference it. I will be pleased if...
Thank your issue. My version: pytorch == 1.2.0, torchvision == 0.4.0, tensorbloardx = 1.6. It works, but other bugs comes. 😂
> @GZP123 have you run the test code on mpii for w32? I do not. I have the similar bug with @dzyjjpy 😂 . And I can not run, let...
> @GZP123 have you run the test code on mpii for w32? Now, my version is: pytorch == 1.0.1, torchvision == 0.2.1, tensorboardx = 1.6. And I can run the...
> @GZP123 did you train using mpii? I do it and the speed is enough. But I can not train for MS COCO, because of my GPUs. I have ubuntu...
> @ZP-Guo thanks for reply. I am also planning to train using mpii, but, i would do it for compact model, model have less than 8G flops....and also my target...
> @ZP-Guo i understand your answer...i would try to go deeper,,,and if i find answer i would share with you. However, i am using HRNET for pose estimation. Maybe I...
> @ZP-Guo shake hands,,,,i think num of channels question is just a empricial choice....it could have many reasoning,,,like cost of memory,...computation.....enough information from these number of channels..... > do you...
> @ZP-Guo @dzyjjpy @alex-razor have you recieved error "raise RuntimeError("Failed to export an ONNX attribute, " > RuntimeError: Failed to export an ONNX attribute, since it's not constant, please try...
Thank you for your code about StackedHourglss Net. I agree with them both @monajalal, @BCJuan. I think we can get help from your work if your tell us how to...