Hi, I came across this issue building a docker image ``` # Use Alpine Linux as the base image FROM alpine:latest # Set noninteractive mode for apk ENV APK_FLAGS="--no-cache --quiet...
@gene1wood Sorry, I corrected it.
I try ``` login=token password=api-token ``` doing this to get the token 
Many `ddclient | RECEIVE: ....*I won't copy paste, it is a lot*` Midway I can see this: ``` ddclient | RECEIVE: * Hamburgers ddclient | RECEIVE: * @description Tasty CSS-animated...
@gene1wood Thank you for your time and replies. Sorry if I haven't been clear. I isolated both dns services already. DYNU works with the address I fetch the ip from....
Oh thank you for your patience! I kind of lost track of setting it as you showed through the discussion. I am a bit tired. I apologize! It works with...
for dynu, I refered to this doc: https://www.dynu.com/DynamicDNS/IPUpdateClient/DDClient > because `server` currently defaults to `members.dyndns.org` instead of `api.dynu.com` But my dns service is with dynu, my understanding is that the...
@gene1wood I don't have my github account set on my phone yet. I just started being active here. I was busy with other matters outside the computing world. Thank you...
> Note: `webv4=googledomains` is being deprecated. See https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/issues/622 for more info. I guess I will go back to this then... use=web, web=https://cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace, web-skip='ip=' > There is a mechanism for this...